Shader Graph

Shoreline Shader Breakdown
A few shader techniques I've used in the past for mapping waves crashing into the shore/beach & leaving behind wet sand

Sun Beams / God Rays Shader Breakdown
Using billboarded quads (or particles) to produce a god rays effect

2D Water Shader Breakdown
A water shader intended for 2D, with pixelated highlights, distortion, reflections and simplified shoreline waves/ripples

Local UVs for Sprites in Sprite Sheet/Atlas
A small post explaining how to convert the UVs of a sprite sheet (or sprites packed in an atlas) into local 0-1 coordinates across each sprite in the shader

Ultraviolet Lights & Invisible Ink
Examples for revealing invisible objects (especially decals, such as fingerprints or hidden messages) based on lights, stencils and other masking methods

Book (w/ Turnable Pages) Breakdown
A book with pages that flip/turn via vertex displacement, and selects a portion of a texture containing all pages.

Rain Effects Breakdown
A few rain effects, including particles setup, and shaders for ripples in water/puddles and rain interacting with surfaces

Waterfall Shader Breakdown
A waterfall shader that interacts with a sphere to part the flowing water. Uses a signed distance field and alpha clipping.

Fractured Cube Breakdown
Uses a shader which displaces (scales/rotates) vertices of a prefractured mesh with pivots baked into UV maps

Swapping Colours
Examples of how to adjust/swap colours or colour palettes for a given texture/procedural input.